Update: new iOS version incoming

First – the important stuff – I am astounded by the images that come up on Google when you search for “hurray computer”.

Now – the really important stuff:

Update on the crash bug

Our new in-house developer Syed fixed the iOS crash bug at 2am last night.

A new version of VIVA for iOS has been compiled, and will be pushed to the App Store for approval today.  Apple typically takes around 48 hours to approve any updates, and so those who have experienced the crash bug will be alright before the end of this week (just in time to look for awesome events for the weekend).

The reason for the crash was because of a line of code that created a “null” result.  Syed can explain better than me.  It affected only new users, who have iOS, and who sign up via Facebook (granted, that is actually quite a lot of people who just tap “sign up via Facebook”).

We apologies that you were affected by this.  The bug will be fixed with the release of the new version.

Please let us know if you have experienced any other crashes at help@yeahviva.com

Happy exploring!

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